Early Consultation Meeting Information
For residential subdivision projects of more than 50 units, applicants shall meet with the Department of Recreation and Parks and the Department of City Planning prior to the submittal of a tract map application (Los Angeles Municipal Code 12.33, Section D.1). Applicants of residential subdivision projects of more than 50 units are required to fill out the Early Consultation Meeting Application via the Los Angeles RAP OpenGov Portal. Following the Early Consultation Meeting, the Department of Recreation and Parks will provide written verification of the consultation to the project applicant within 10 days of the meeting.
Click here to Apply for an Early Consultation MeetingPursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 12.33 D, Residential Subdivision projects with more than 50 residential dwelling units may be required by the City to dedicate land to the City for park and recreation purposes. The amount of land to be dedicated is calculated pursuant to the formula detailed in Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 12.33 D.2:
LD = (DU x P) x F
LD = Land to be dedicated in acres.
DU = Total number of new market-rate dwelling units.
P = Average number of people per occupied dwelling unit as determined by the most recent version of the U.S. Census for the City of Los Angeles.
P = 2.7
F = Park Service factor, as indicated by the Department of Recreation and Parks rate and fee schedule.
F = 0.00251 (2.51 acres of park land per 1,000 residents)
Applicants can only make a request for an Early Consultation Meeting once the Early Consultation Meeting Application has been completed.
Applicants can also contact Department of Recreation and Parks staff by email at rap.parkfees@lacity.org or by phone at (213) 202-2682.